It looks like you have some important FAQs regarding properties, particularly in rural areas. Here’s a summary of the key points covering utilities, back taxes, and yearly property tax obligations based on your information:

  1. Utilities:

    • Many rural properties are considered “off-grid,” meaning they typically do not have utilities unless specified otherwise.
    • Buyers are encouraged to conduct thorough due diligence regarding utility availability before purchasing.
  2. Back Taxes or Liens:

    • All properties in the inventory are guaranteed to be “free and clear” at the time of transfer.
    • Buyers can opt for title insurance or a traditional escrow process at their own expense for additional protection.
  3. Yearly Property Tax Obligation:

    • Property taxes vary based on the county and state; each listing provides a prorated monthly breakdown of these taxes.
    • com covers annual property taxes and HOA fees until the sale is finalized, at which point these responsibilities transfer to the buyer.
    • All taxes and HOA fees are incorporated into the monthly payment plan.

If you have any additional questions or need further clarification on any of these points, feel free to ask